Disputing Common Myths about Pit Bull Terriers:

Myth: Pit Bull's are more aggressive than other breeds.

Truth: The American Temperament Test Society, which provides a uniform national program of temperament testing for dogs, has found that Pit-Bull-Terriers passed the test at a higher rate than many other dog breeds, including golden retrievers and border collies.

Myth: Pit Bull Terriers are one breed.

Truth: There are actually four different breeds that include American Bully, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier Bull Terrier and American Pitbull Terrier. 

Myth: Pit Bull Terriers have locking jaws.

Truth: There is no such thing as a dog with a locking jaw. Pit Bull Terriers and Pit Bull mixes are no different physiologically from other dogs. 

Myth: It is unsafe to get a Pit Bull Terrier from a shelter.

Truth: Shelter dogs of any breed usually come with unknown background and lineage. No matter the breed you adopt, it's important to spend time with the dog, understand behaviors can develop, and that your dog may have trauma. Pit Bulls are at no higher risk than any other shelter dog. 

Myth: Pit Bull Terriers brains swell, never stop growing or are wired to make them aggressive.

Truth: Pit Bulls brains grow at the same rate as all other dog breeds, if there is brain swelling it is due to injury. 

Myth: Pit Bull Terriers are not good with kids.

Truth: They are a loyal, loving, affectionate breed, and were lovingly referred to as the nanny breed. They score better on temperament tests than common family breeds such as Golden Retrievers and Labradors. 

Every dog is different with their own unique personalities, and experiences that help shape them. Pit Bull Terrier owners describe their pets as being affectionate, loving and cuddly. A healthy environment, diet and training will help shape your pet into a loving companion. The truth is we have not met a mean pity yet.